(English follows)
Chers usagers du Datamart du SMC,
Le 3 juillet 2019, le Centre météorologique canadien (CMC) a procédé à une mise à jour majeure de ses systèmes de prévision.
Tous les détails concernant les changements apportés aux différents systèmes sont disponibles à cette adresse:
Parmi les faits marquants, je tiens à signaler les points suivants:
La résolution des données GRIB2 associées sera augmentée en conséquence dès cet automne pour le bénéfice des usagers du Datamart du SMC (une annonce suivra).
En attendant, voici la liste des impacts de cette importante mise à jour pour vos applications:
Nous sommes désolés des impacts que ces changements pourraient engendrer dans vos applications.

Une nouvelle étape importante vient d'être franchie dans l'amélioration de la qualité des données ouvertes disponibles au public.
N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour toute demande d'information supplémentaire.
(*) https://lists.ec.gc.ca/pipermail/dd_info/2019-May/000341.html

Sandrine Edouard

Coordonnatrice nationale, Accès aux données ouvertes
National coordinator, Open Data Access
Applications en traitement de données environnementales -
Environmental Data Processing Applications
Centre météorologique canadien - Canadian meteorological centre (CMC)
Environnement et changement Climatique Canada - Environment and Climate Change Canada

Courriel/email: ec.dps-client.ec@canada.ca
Téléphone/Phone: 514-421-4729
2121 Trans-Canada N. Suite 230
Dorval, Québec


Dear MSC Datamart users,
On July 3, 2019, the Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) conducted a major update of its forecast systems.
Full details of the changes made to the various systems are available at this address:
Among the highlights, I would like to mention the following points:
  • The horizontal resolution of the Global Deterministic Prediction System (SGPD) is reduced from 25km to 15km, and the number of vertical levels is increased from 80 to 84 levels.
  • The atmospheric component of the Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) is now coupled with the ocean-ice model.
  • The horizontal resolution of the Regional Ensemble Prediction System (REPS) increases from 15km to 10km, with an increase in the output frequency from 2 to 4 runs per day.
The resolution of the associated GRIB2 data will be increased accordingly this fall for the benefit of MSC Datamart users (an announcement will follow).
In the meantime, here is the list of impacts of this important update for your applications:
  • As announced on May 17, 2009 (*), the REPS grid includes a limited area of no data in the northeast corner of the grid, which currently remains at 15 km.
  • As announced on May 29, 2010 (**), the new nomenclature for the Showalter Index and the Uplift Index is now being applied to the northern domain of the High Resolution Deterministic Prediction System (HRDPS) and to the Canadian Arctic Prediction System (CAPS) data available on DD-Alpha as part of the YOPP project
  • The available convective potential energy, CAPE, in GRIB2 format in the Regional Deterministic Prediction System (RDPS) dataset has changed nomenclature and is now found under CAPE_SFC_0 instead of CAPE_ETAL_10000 (encoding change). We apologize for this non announced change.
  • GDPS data are delayed by about 25 minutes and GEPS data are available about 20 minutes later with respect to the previous schedule

We apologize for any impact these changes may have on your applications.

A new important step has just been taken to improve the quality of the data available to the public.
Feel free to contact me for any additional information you may require.

Sandrine Edouard

Coordonnatrice nationale, Accès aux données ouvertes
National coordinator, Open Data Access
Applications en traitement de données environnementales -
Environmental Data Processing Applications
Centre météorologique canadien - Canadian meteorological centre (CMC)
Environnement et changement Climatique Canada - Environment and Climate Change Canada

Courriel/email: ec.dps-client.ec@canada.ca
Téléphone/Phone: 514-421-4729
2121 Trans-Canada N. Suite 230
Dorval, Québec