
This change was an error. It has been fixed and the files are being recreated.

They will be posted on the datamart. Look at the timestamp of the files to know if they have a good header or not. Files created after 16:00 should be all right.

Sorry for the inconvenience,


Miguel Tremblay
Coordonnateur national des services commerciaux de données- 
National coordinator, commercial data services
Centre météorologique canadien - Canadian meteorological centre (CMC)
Environnement Canada - Environment Canada

2121 Trans-Canada N. Suite 201 Téléphone/Phone: 514-421-4729 
Dorval, Québec                 Fax: 514-421-4679
CANADA H9P 1J3                 courriel/email: miguel.tremblay@ec.gc.ca

Joshua Watson wrote:
*****SPAM***** [dd_info] Issue with new Process ID in global and regional GEM GRIB1 headers


The recent model upgrades for the global and regional GEM seem to have
included a change in the GRIB1 header. The process ID for both models is
now 45. Previously the Process IDs were 36 and 47.

Was this change intentional? Normally, the Process ID is used to define
a unique model. The NWS AWIPS data ingest is having difficulty telling
the global data from the regional data with the Process ID being identical.

Any information is welcome. Thanks!
